Real Personality

My photo
Chukai, Gannue, Malaysia
It's like having your own personal professor, studying exactly what it is that makes you tick." Jawatan aku....Manager.Tapi to be specified as Manager apa...aku pn tak tau. Gini ar aku rasa yg sesuai General Manager (GM) kot...ambil kira atas dasar bidang tugas aku. General Manager definition: "the term general manager refers to any executive who has overall responsibility for managing both the revenue and cost elements of a company's income statement. This is often referred to as Profit & Loss (P&L) responsibility. This means that a general manager usually oversees most or all of the firm's marketing and sales functions as well as the day-to-day operations of the business. Frequently, the general manager is also responsible for leading or coordinating the strategic planning functions of the company."..source

Monday, April 6, 2009

Something to Remember......... from my autograph book KUSZA 1996

Lama tertangguh plan nak upload kat don't know how to start......
in case buku ni terhilang....dikoyakkan oleh dik Rimi....

kay lh mulakan dgn 1st writer:
  • Suhaila Balqis Abdul Rashid - Ella
Address: 2540, Jalan Limau Gedangsa, Gong Limau, Cukai, Kemaman, Terengganu
Birthday: 21 Febuari 1975
Ambition: "to be a good marketer"......tak tau ler sejauh mana dia invovle in marketing...setakat ni aku tahu dia jadi good mom.

Coretan dr Ella gini:

"Mak Ulung.....(nama glamer aku time tu) I lov u most! Semenjak mula berkenalan hingga 12/4/96 kini I masih confuse dengan your attitude! Anyway kelainan itu membuatkan aku sentiasa mengingati dirimu dimana sahaja dan ketika.
Do remember me and all of our best memories in KUSZA. I love you like I Love my garfield!"

..... nantilah upload photo dia & family kalau ada lah...

  • Nor Aini Mohamed - Nor
Address: 184, Jalan Intan Sura, 2300 Dungun Terengganu
Birthday: 5 March 1975

Coretan dr Nor camni:

"Long..... Thanks for being a friend....Thanks for your help...
and thanks for everything! I trust you, if you truth"

" Long... sukarnya untuk mencari seorang kawan menangis dalam dunia ini tapi ternyata kawan ketawa terlalu banyak yang didadpati!"

antara kwn yg aku tak tahu citer dia..hopefully 1 day leh gak jumpe atau calling2 @ YM....huhuhu

1 comment:

RealCool said...

akhirnya dah jumpa dah kwn aku ni kat FB