Real Personality

My photo
Chukai, Gannue, Malaysia
It's like having your own personal professor, studying exactly what it is that makes you tick." Jawatan aku....Manager.Tapi to be specified as Manager apa...aku pn tak tau. Gini ar aku rasa yg sesuai General Manager (GM) kot...ambil kira atas dasar bidang tugas aku. General Manager definition: "the term general manager refers to any executive who has overall responsibility for managing both the revenue and cost elements of a company's income statement. This is often referred to as Profit & Loss (P&L) responsibility. This means that a general manager usually oversees most or all of the firm's marketing and sales functions as well as the day-to-day operations of the business. Frequently, the general manager is also responsible for leading or coordinating the strategic planning functions of the company."..source

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Asssalamulaikum....1st time nak add apa2 citer ar

Tak de yg menariknyer...+- tak berapa reti & no idea nak mula blog

6/11/08....hubby ku kerajinan sgt2. Dia balik kerja syif mlm blk kul 7.00 pg...
then dia buat le 5s kat bilik komputer rumoh aku.

Apa itu 5s..entah aku tk sure apa tu..nanti lh aku cari & give update next time.

Menariknyer hasil 5s my lovely hubby ni..dia jumpa autograph book "gambo GARFIELD"...lama dh ..masa aku final semester KUSZA..aku memang dh lupa dh kat autograph ni.

seronok baca tulisan kawan2 lama.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

uihh rajin betoi husband pn cool ni ye buat 5s..amenda 5s tuhh?..well secara ringkasnya ialah:

SEIRI - sisih
SEITON - susun
SEISO - sapu
SEIKETSU - seragam
SHITSUKE - sentiasa amal..

nanti i buat posting berkaitan 5s kat my blog ye..jangan lupa baca tau..byeeee...